
Free Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry
Free Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry

free Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry free Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry

Otherwise keep doing what you guys are doing because it's great. I look forward to any future updates to any of the games and hopefully a patch for this glitch. Other than that the game handels amazing and I love the customization options and the fact that it is a highway racing game which is apparently difficult to find in good quality. Not to mention I spent a week maxing out my car only to see the game crash before my car even gets through half its fuel. I bring up this not only because it is frustrating to have a good quality phone and be on good Wi-Fi only to have the game crash mid way through a drive. I wish this bug can be patched so I can actually get a higher score. My high score exactly is 20,453 but any time I hit it or get a point above the game crashes and restarts itself every time.

free Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry

The only little nit pick I have is that the game glitches out whenever I try to reach over 20,000 high score. This game and all the others allow for custom vehicles and the ability to tune them which I haven't seen in any other games yet. This game is a very good pass time of mine, I actually have all the hovercraft games made by you guys. Good lord, there are ads everywhere! Why would any mobile game company want this many ads for their game? A few cents more per player playing? Now don't take my criticism for this game wrong, after all, I don't know if they puts the ads there on purpose, and also the game itself is pretty good. Want to upgrade you vehicle and test it? Ad. This is where my main complaint lies, THE ADS! Finish a game? Ad. You may think an average mobile game gives you the average "ad every 2/3 games", but this ain't no average mobile game.

free Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry

The game is the same, nothing is different, but correct me if I'm wrong, there are WAY more ads than I remember. I haven't played this game in multiple years and I remember really liking it, so I downloaded it on to my phone and played it once again. After lookin through the app store for games that I used to play, I found this.

Free Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry